Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

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Caraway - English

Welcome to Ms. Caraway's Class!

Week of April 25th
Monday, 07 March 2011 21:44


Hello Parents / Guardians !!!!

God’s blessings to you all.

Our Jr. High classes are enjoying their books. Please remember that the homework assignments will vary depending on what gets accomplished in class, so make sure the kids are showing you their homework spirals every night. The students will get much more out of reading the wonderful books I have assigned when their work is completed and they can jump in and enjoy the class discussions.

The ninth grade are now reading a wonderful Sherlock Holmes mystery - The Hound of the Baskervilles. The kids are to complete certain worksheets as they read the book. (See Below) It would be such a help and a blessing if you could please check their progress at home. I will be giving surprise Pop Quizzes checking on this work. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Character Attribute Web - each student chose a particular character to study.
Prediction Chart - documenting any aspects of plot that arouse their suspicions.
Understanding Values - analyzing the values of the main characters
Vocabulary List - Upcoming test from Chapters 1 through 6.
**International students have an abridged (simplified) version of this book. The chapters are different than the unabridged book the other students are reading. Instructions/assignments will reflect this difference to avoid any confusion.

Homework Assignments

Each day before students leave class, they will always write down any homework in their Homework Spiral. By habitually checking for assignments in the evening, parents/guardians can help the students complete their work and be prepared for the next day of class.

Good communication between us is crucial. If you ever have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Together, you and I will help your children to success beyond their wildest imaginations.

God's blessings to you.

Mary Caraway

Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Phone: 281-488-4883 ext. 245

Below are the lesson plans for this week:

6th Grade – A Father’s Promise by Donna Lynn Hess We will learn vocabulary words and use study questions as a spring-board for class discussion. I will also offer the kids worksheets for extra homework grades.


Lesson – 1) Vocabulary 2) Discussing context of Ch. 21 & 22

3) Review Spelling

Homework – Ch. 20&21 Read and answer questions

Spelling and Vocabulary tests Monday


Lesson– 1) Discuss of remaining chapters in book 2) Learn Vocabulary boxes

Homework – 1) Study vocabulary boxes created in class

2) Write spelling words 3 times each


Lesson – 1) Finish vocabulary boxes 2) continue reading book, answer questions for ch. 22-24

Homework – Study - vocabulary and spelling tests Monday


Lesson – Continue reading book

Homework – Spelling Sparkle game tomorrow

Lesson - Review Spelling with Sparkle Game and Vocabulary
Homework - Study and read. Book to be finished by end of class Monday
7th Grade – We really enjoyed learning all about limericks. Your students are very talented poets. Our poetry unit continues with tongue twisters, haiku and creating fun versions of "Mary had a Little Lamb."


Lesson – Tongue Twisters

Homework– Create an original tongue twister. Study rhythm and rhyme patterns for limericks and haiku. Test Friday-write original limericks and haiku.


Lesson– 1) Finish Tongue Twisters 2) Discuss Haiku

Homework– Write a tongue twister and study for test Friday


Lesson– Rhyme and rhythm pattern for "Mary had a Little Lamb" Create a new take on this old poem

Homework– Study for test Friday


Lesson– Finish "Mary..."


Lesson - Poetry Test - write original limericks and haiku

Homework - None

8th Grade – We are finishing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. Though this is a relatively short book, we took our time due to the challenging vocabulary and complex plot. Plus, I just love this story!!!


Lesson – Finishing novel - Ch. 10 together in class.

Homework – Study vocabulary and notes


Lesson – Preparing for test. Review content of exam. Go over requirements for essay (test grade).

Homework – Study notes & vocab. Essays due Monday - read in class.


Lesson – Makings of a great mystery. A theme in Jekyll/Hyde is lack of details, which leaves more to the imagination. This makes a more suspenseful and enjoyable experience. Movie Signs shows this same theme.

Homework – Essay due Monday


Lesson – Continuing movie

Homework – Essay due Monday


Lesson - Finishing movie.

Homework - Essay due Monday

9th Grade – Continuing The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.


Lesson – Group work - creating posters of hound based on book's description

Homework – 1) Study vocabulary - Test Friday

2) read ch. 10-12-due Wednesday and continue worksheets


Lesson – Finishing posters

Homework – Vocabulary test Friday and reading/worksheets


Lesson– 1) Checking reading progress with Pop quiz over worksheets

2) Discussing Ch. 10 - 12.

Homework – Vocabulary test Friday


Lesson – Preparing for ch. 13-15 by discussing context of these chapters, then students will silently read.

Homework – Study, study and then study some more for vocabulary test tomorrow.


Lesson - Vocabulary Test
Homework - None

Last Updated on Sunday, 24 April 2011 20:43

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