Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

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O'Leary - Social Studies
Welcome to Mr. O'Leary's Class

Social Studies News for Week 4/11
Friday, 08 April 2011 08:19
Hello students and parents! Let me give you a quick run down of what to expect this following week in your Social Studies class.
Economics- We will be quickly running through Ch.8- Stock Market in class. Expect to finish by Wedn and to test on Thursday. Also, expect to finish all section reviews in the chapter, as well as chapter terms. Don't forget Current Events on Friday!
World History- We will continue our ppt Lecture over the Age of Reason, and will probably finish on Tuesday, review Wednesday and test on Thursday. So, make sure you get caught up on all your notes. In fact if you are missing anything, I will just go ahead and attach the notes, in ppt form, to this website. Make sure!!! that you know all of your major scientific contributors and what they contributed, this test will be mostly being able to define these important people and what they did!
U.S History- We will be reading and discussing chapter 16. over the Gilded Age. Your textbook is mandatory and needed in each class. Be expected to do all section reviews and the chapter review. The test will come up very quick, mostly likely Thursday, unless anything changes.
Last Updated on Friday, 08 April 2011 08:19

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