Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

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Hernandez - Spanish

Lesson plans May 2, 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011 12:05

Subject: Spanish II

5th Period

Subject: Spanish I/II/III Rosetta Stone 6th Period

Subject: Band

7th Period


Spanish 2

O- The future tense

M- Book, pg. 450, VM, notes

E- Translating phrases

HW: pg. 453

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions.

O- practice new Chorale and continue discussing tuning. Continue testing students on scales on speed and accuracy Students' range will be considered. Continue with spring concert music. Check solo progress for students wanting to play in between concert pieces.

E- Check for proper posture, correct hand position.

HW: Theory worksheets


Spanish 2

O- The future tense continued

M- Book, pg. 454

E- Have students use vocabulary words in the future in a sentence.

HW: pg. 456


Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions.


O- concentrate on new band pieces.

E- Practice scales in of G and Bb. Check for note accuracy within each section.

HW: Theory Worksheets


Spanish 2

O- the feeding of 5000

M- Book pg. 457, lecture, board examples.

E- Answer questions to the reading. pg. 458

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions.




Spanish 2

O- Describing a farm scene using learned vocabulary

M- Book pg 459, VM, notes

E- walk around room check progress. Have students read sentence aloud

HW: Finish sentences.

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions. Begin watching the decoding of the Mayan Hieroglyphics.


O- Run all football music, pep-rally music, and Coronado. Discuss concert obligations for May 21st

M- Have students return any old music

E- Replace any broken mallets, reeds, check for flutes screws working properly.

HW: Theory worksheets.


Spanish 2

O- Reading of Mathew 14:13-21 in Spanish

M- Book pg. 460-61

E- Students will translate sentences into Spanish

HW: Reading the testimony on pg. 461 and writing your own testimony.

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions. Begin watching the decoding of the Mayan Hieroglyphics.


O- Concentrate on concert music tuning, balance, if there is time, run through pep-rally music.

E- Practice scales in key of g and A, check for note accuracy within each section.

HW: Theory Worksheets

Lesson plans May 2, 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011 12:03

Subject: Elem. Sp.

1st Period

Subject: Elem. Sp.

2nd Period

Subject: Spanish III

3rd Period

Subject: Spanish I

4th Period



5th Grade Spanish

Spring musical practice in Chapel

Spanish III

O- The imperfect tense in detail

M- Worksheets pgs. 101-105

E- Students will work to solve problems on worksheets taking turns and evaluating answers.

HW: Finish worksheets

Spanish I

O- Prepositions before infinitives

M- Book pg. 394

E- Have students use their own examples

HW: pg. 395



3rd Grade

Spring musical practice in Chapel

Spanish III

O- The imperfect tense 106-113

M- Handout

E- Exercises in worksheets

HW:Finish worksheets at home

Spanish I

O- In the restaurantand it's too...

M-VM pgs. 127-130

E- write sentences with vocabulary words

HW- Finish sentences



Kindergarten Spanish

O- Continue saying saying

part of the Lord's Prayer in Spanish by memory.

M- Listen and repeat, board, drawing.

E- Have students take turns getting in front of the class and reciting the Lord's prayer.

Spanish III

O- The imperfect tense 114-118

M- Worksheets

E- Students are to read and openly have discussions in the imperfect tense

Spanish 1

O- Comparisons of quality

M- Book pg. 396

E- Grammar ex. pg. 397



2nd Grade Spanish

Spring musical practice in Chapel

Spanish III

O- Translating Preterite and imperfect mix

M- worksheet

E- Students read a passage and translate using the vocabulary on pg. 119.

HW: Finish worksheet

Spanish 1

O- Para ser salvo

M- Book pg. 398

E- check for pronunciation

HW: Write answers to the questions from the reading pg. 398


4th Grade

O- Review sentences with animals and continue learning the pledge of Allegiance in Spanish

M- Handout

E- Check for correct pronunciation/

HW: Memorize

1st Grade Spanish

Spring musical practice in Chapel

Spanish III

O- The future tense in depth

M- Spanish verb tenses book pgs.120-127

E- Students will discuss and work in groups to try to finish the assignment first and present to the class their results.

HW: Finish worksheets for Monday

Spanish 1

O- Statements and questions in the past tense

M-book pg. 404-405

E-Class oral participation

HW: Pg. 406

April 25 lesson plans
Tuesday, 26 April 2011 09:14

Subject: Spanish II

5th Period

Subject: Spanish I/II/III Rosetta Stone 6th Period

Subject: Band

7th Period


Spanish 2

O- Third quarter review 1

M- Book, pg. 443, VM, notes

E- Have students use each conjugation in a sentence.

HW: Finish sentences from assignment.

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions.

O- Begin with Water Music, run all music, practice

new Chorale and continue discussing tuning. Test students on scales on speed and accuracy Students' range will be considered. Continue with spring concert music. Check solo progress for students wanting to play in between concert pieces.

E- Check for proper posture, correct hand position. Connect metronome sound system and have students follow along and use it as an example to improve.

HW: Theory worksheets


Spanish 2

O- Third quarter review part 2

M- Book, pg. 443

E- Have students use each word in a sentence.

CW: Write words 5x and memorize.


Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions.


O- concentrate on Precious Lord,

E- Practice scales in of G and Bb. Check for note accuracy within each section.

HW: Theory Worksheets


Spanish 2

O- Third quarter review part 3

M- Book pg. 443, lecture, board examples.

E-Check homework and make sure students are able to know the difference between tenses.

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions.




Spanish 2

O- Third quarter review part 4

M- Book pg 443, VM, notes

E- 443, walk around room check progress. Have students use each conjugation in a sentence.

HW: Finish sentences.

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Begin working on pronunciation with new headsets. Check progress and answer questions. Begin watching the decoding of the Mayan Hieroglyphics.


O- Run all football music, pep-rally music, and Coronado. Discuss concert obligations for May 12th.

M- Have students return any old music

E- Check for leaks on clarinets, corks on brass, and chipped drumsticks.

HW: Theory worksheets.


Spanish 2

O- Third quarter review

M- Book pg. 443-444.

E- Students will translate sentences into Spanish

HW: finish translating sentences 1-80

Rosetta Stone students

Watch film in Spanish and discuss phrases that students understand or want to understand


O- Concentrate on Precious Lord, tuning, balance, if there is time, run through contest music.

E- Practice scales in key of A and C Check for note accuracy within each section.

HW: Theory Worksheets

April 25 lesson plans
Tuesday, 26 April 2011 09:12

Subject: Elem. Sp.

1st Period

Subject: Elem. Sp.

2nd Period

Subject: Spanish III

3rd Period

Subject: Spanish I

4th Period


5th Grade Spanish

Spring musical practice in Chapel

Spanish III

O- Aesops fable in Spanish

M- Handout

E- Read the fable and disuss different conjugations.

Spanish I

O- Irregular UE verbs

M- Book pg. 371

E- Conjugating and writing sentences with verbs

HW: pg. 372


3rd Grade

Spring musical practice in Chapel

Spanish III

O- Food and clothes

M- Handout

E- Being able to distinguish who is talking in a Spanish story without pictures/

HW:Answer questions from reading.

Spanish I

O- Comparison of adjectives with Tan and como.

M- Book pg. 373, lecture, board, notes

E- Beginning exercises on pg. 374 and help students write sentences

HW- Pg. 375


Kindergarten Spanish

O- Saying part of the Lord's Prayer in Spanish by memory.

M- Listen and repeat, board, drawing.

E- Have students take turns getting in front of the class and reciting the Lord's prayer.

Spanish III

O- Discussing the Food in Spain in detail.

M- Worksheets

E- Students are to read and openly discuss differences between culures.

Spanish 1

O- Begin reviewing for Chapters17-25 test

M- worksheet, notes

E- Work on worksheets as a class

HW: Continue working on worksheets


2nd Grade Spanish

Spring musical practice in Chapel

Spanish III

O- Read and discuss about the first Mexican to receive the Nobel Prize in Liturature Ocavio Paz

M- Activities book pg. 26-7

E- Students read passages and are evaluated by their peers.

HW: Questions 1-5 in activity 3

Spanish 1

O- Finish reviewing for Chapters17-25 test

M- worksheet, notes lecture

E- Have students discuss answers and guide students to the right answers.

4th Grade

O- Learning the pledge of Allegiance in Spanish

M- Handout

E- Check for correct pronunciation/

HW: Memorize

1st Grade Spanish

Spring musical practice in Chapel

Spanish III

O- Latin American foods.

M- Worksheets, notes, lecture

E- Students will discuss what they like and dislike about Latin American food.

HW: Answer questions to the reading.

Spanish 1

O- Test chapters 17-25

M- Handout

E- If done early, begin third quarter structure review pg. 377

HW- Finish pg. 377

Aprill 11 Lesson plans
Monday, 11 April 2011 08:00

Subject: Spanish II

5th Period

Subject: Spanish I/II/III Rosetta Stone 6th Period

Subject: Band

7th Period


Spanish 2

O-Translating practice

M- Book pg. 425, lecture, board

E- Students read and translate phrases.

Hw: Answer questions to the lecture, pg. 425 or information, pg.428

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Check progress and answer questions.


O- Pass out new music and sight read, work on graduation music, football music for next year,

E- Warm up music, scales, chorales.

HW: Theory worksheets


Spanish 2

O- forming adverbs from adjective

M-Book pg. 432, board examples, students examples,

E- Walk around room and check first part of homework

HW: Grammar exercises, pg. 433

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Check progress and answer questions.


O- Continue practicing spring concert music.

E- Check for note accuracy within each section.

HW: Theory worksheets


Spanish 2

O- New vocabulary, 2 Corinthians 9:6b

M- Vocabulary Manual pgs 127-132

E- Have students use each word in a sentenc.

CW: Write words 5x and memorize.

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Check progress and answer questions.




Spanish 2

O- The comparative and superlative of adverbs,

M- Book pg. 433, lecture, board examples.

E-Check homework and make sure students are able to know the difference between comparative and superlative.

HW: Pg. 436

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Check progress and answer questions.


O- Sight reading, pass out slurs and have students begin practicing for first 5 minutes, continue with concert and football music

E- Check for proper posture, correct hand position.

HW: Theory worksheets


Spanish 2

O- Joining sentences with words similar to Cuando (when)

M- Book pg 437

E- Students are to do Grammar exercises on pg. 439, walk around room check progress.

HW: Finish exercises on pg. 439.

Rosetta Stone students

Students work at their own pace and take daily tests on material. Check progress and answer questions. Divide class into groups and play word games or board challenges.


O- Test students on scales, and have chair tests. Students' range will be considered. Continue with spring concert music. Pass out solos for students wanting to play in between concert pieces.

E- Begin using metronome to practice staying in the correct tempo.


Aprill 11 Lesson plans
Monday, 11 April 2011 07:58

Subject: Elem. Sp.

1st Period

Subject: Elem. Sp.

2nd Period

Subject: Spanish III

3rd Period

Subject: Spanish I

4th Period


5th Grade Spanish

O-Where are you going?

M-Spanish Elementary book pg. 95-101

E- Copy activities and practice by playing charades and have students guess what activity teacher is doing and answer in Spanish.

Spanish III

O- The affirmative familiar

M- Book pgs 150-151.

E- Do activities 1-3 as a class and have students take turn answering questions

HW: AM: pgs. 81-82 1-10.

Spanish I

O- Irregular ie verbs continued.

M- Book pg. 337, lecture, student examples.

E- Conjugating these verbs orally and writing them down with the correct pronouns. Review for chapters 20-22 test

HW: Pg. 337

3rd Grade A

O-Where are you going?

M-Spanish Elementary book pg. 95-101

E- Copy activities and practice by playing charades and have students guess what activity teacher is doing and answer in Spanish.

3rd Grade A

O-Where are you going?

M-Spanish Elementary book pg. 95-101

E- Copy activities and practice by playing charades and have students guess what activity teacher is doing and answer in Spanish.

Spanish III

O- La Carta de Margarit a Su amiga Americana Daniela

M- Book pg. 191-192

E- Students read; check for correct pronunciation.

HW: Pg. 192

Spanish I

O- the House: Characteristics and conditions.

M- Vocabulary Manual

E- Have students form sentences with vocabulary words. Review for chapters 20-22 test

HW: Write 10 times and memorize words on VM pgs. 237-238.


Kindergarten Spanish

O- Students will learn to describe parts of their body in front of the class.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs. 102-106

E- Students will fill out worksheet on pg. 102 to check knowledge of vocabulary.

Spanish III

O- Translating vocabulary and the plural imperative

M- Activities Manual pgs 84-85

E- Have students translate phrases into plural imperative, and read aloud to the class.

Spanish 1

O- 1 Timothy 2:5, Review, combining sentences with the relative que and lo que, possessive adjectives, saber vs. conocer.

M-Book chapter 22, lecture, notes, review for chapters 20-22 test

CW: Work on study sheet for test on Friday.


2nd Grade Spanish

O- Students will learn to describe parts of their body in front of the class.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs. 102-106

E- Students will fill out worksheet on pg. 102 to check knowledge of vocabulary.

Spanish III

O- Translating Exodus and discussion

M- Activities Manual pg. 88-89

E- Reread in Spanish and work on translating pg. 88 Activities Manual.

HW: 1-5 pg. 89

Spanish 1

O- Direct object pronouns before the verb. Review for chapters 20-22 test.

M- Lecture, board, notes,

E- Check to see that all test study worksheets are fill ed out and students are very aware of test on Friday.

HW: Pg. 340

4th Grade

O-Where are you going?

M-Spanish Elementary book pg. 95-101

E- Copy activities and practice by playing charades and have students guess what activity teacher is doing and answer in Spanish.

1st Grade Spanish

O- Students will learn to describe parts of their body in front of the class.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs. 102-106

E- Students will fill out worksheet on pg. 102 to check knowledge of vocabulary.

Spanish III

O- Answering questions to Micaelas letter

M- Activities Manual pg. 90.

E- After questions are answered, do dictation and have students check each others work.

Spanish 1

O- Chapters 20-22 test, Reading Better late than ever?

M- Book pgs. 341-342

E- Students read aloud, check for correct pronunciation.

HW: Pg 342

Lesson plans starting March 28, 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011 06:40

Lesson Plans Beginning Mar. 28, 2011

Subject: Spanish II

5th Period

Subject: Spanish I/II/III Rosetta Stone 6th Period

Subject: Band

7th Period


Spanish 2

O- How long ago..?

M- Book pg. 393, lecture, student examples.

E- Do exercises on pg. 394 1-4 as a class.

Hw: finish any sections we did not complete for Monday.

Rosetta Stone students

Students work individually at their own pace and check work


O- Final run-through of music. practicing stage presence. Run through all pieces and practice sightreading afterward. Take 8 minutes to talk students through music, then play it and evaluate afterward.

E- Being able to sit on stage without talking, fidgetinng, and keeping feet flat on floor while playing. Being able to freeze at the end of each song and keeping correct instrument angles..


Spanish 2

O- Lecture interpreting practice

M- Book pg, 395, lecture, students read

E- check pronunciation as students take turns reading.

HW: pg. 403

Rosetta Stone students

Students work individually at their own pace and check work


O- Discuss band performance at contest and make a list of things to improve for next year. Pass out new music and begin rehearsing for graduation.

E- Have students discuss the days accomplishments and plans for next year.


Spanish 2

O- Gustar: to be pleasing

M- Book pg. 401, lecture, board, notes

E- Have students take turns saying what pleases them in Spanish.

HW: Pg. 403

Rosetta Stone students

Students work individually at their own pace and check work




Spanish 2

O- Bible story translation, Romans 11:36, Dictation

M- Book, pg. 413, practicing dictation

E- Students will read aloud, take notes, and evaluate listening skills on paper.

W: Write 5x and memorize Romans 11:36 and

Write 4x and memorize the words on pg. 303-304 VM

Rosetta Stone students

Students work individually at their own pace and check work


O-Run through new music, rehearse Pomp and Circumstances, pass out possible football music for next year.

M- Discuss key changes, style, speed.

E- Explain to students the importance of daily practice and benefits of consistent music reading.

HW: Theory worksheets.


Spanish 2

O- Por vs. Para cont.

M- Book pg. 418, lecture, board and student examples, notes,

E- Have students provide their own examples and present to the class.

HW: Pg. 424

Rosetta Stone students

A review of the week's progress and class discussion, followed by board examples and challenges.


O- Practice new music, pass out Also Sprach Zarathustra and practice,

M- Pass out and recreate a sight reading environment. Discuss the importance of structured practice.

E- have students play individual music for the class and have chair tests.

Clean band hall for weekend.

HW: Find a song over the weekend that you would like the band to play and bring a recording to the class on Monday.

Lesson plans starting March 28, 2011
Monday, 28 March 2011 06:39

Lesson Plans Beginning Mar. 28, 2011

Subject: Elem. Sp.

1st Period

Subject: Elem. Sp.

2nd Period

Subject: Spanish III

3rd Period

Subject: Spanish I

4th Period



5th Grade Spanish

O-Continue with types of animals: domesticated, sea, and forest animals.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs.71-83.

E- Students should know twenty animals and say them to the class by memory,

drawing contest, spelling contest.

Spanish III

O- Leccion treinta, The Dominican Republic by

Nicolas Olivero-Sello, new vocabulary

M- Book pg. 163-164

E- Students will take turns reading, and translating into English with correct tenses.

HW:Activity 7 in book pg. 165.

Spanish I

O- Ser vs. Estar

M- Book pg. 316-317

E- Discussion on the differences, have student draw a chart with the main differences and ways to tell them apart.

HW: Book pg. 318


3rd Grade A

Students will work in their classrooms

O-Continue with types of animals: domesticated, sea, and forest animals.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs.71-83.

E- Students should know twenty animals and say them to the class by memory,

drawing contest, spelling contest.

3rd Grade A

Students will work in their classrooms

O-Continue with types of animals: domesticated, sea, and forest animals.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs.71-83.

E- Students should know twenty animals and say them to the class by memory,

drawing contest, spelling contest.

Spanish III

O-Lesson thirty one, Paraguay

M-Book pgs. 168- 169, new vocabulary

E- Students read and class helps correct pronunciation.

HW: Answer questions to the reading on pg. 170.

Spanish I

O- Copy vocabulary words pg. 107-110, 5 times each and use in a sentence. Turn in at the end of class.

M- Book, Vocabulary Manual, notes.

E-Students will work alone and use their notes, dictionary and books to form phrases from vocabulary manuals.



Kindergarten Spanish

O-Continue with types of animals: domesticated, sea, and forest animals.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs.71-83.

E- Students should know ten animals and say them to the class by memory,

drawing contest, spelling contest.

Spanish III

O- In a Paraguayan kitchen, new vocabulary.

M- Book pg, 172-173, students read and translate.

E- Check for correct pronunciation and clarity of words.

CW: Activities manual pgs. 80-82

Spanish 1

O- The demonstrative adjective this, that, and that over there.

M- Book pgs. 326-327, lecture, board, notes.

E- Students should be able to know the difference when asked where objects are in the classroom.

HW: pg. 328.



2nd Grade Spanish

O-Continue with types of animals: domesticated, sea, and forest animals.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs.71-83.

E- Students should know ten animals and say them to the class by memory,

drawing contest, spelling contest.

Spanish III

O- Learning recipes for bread from Paraguay,

M- Book pgs. 173-175

E- Students read and translate recipes.

HW: Answer questions about the recipes pgs. 173-176.

Spanish 1

O- Bible study, this life and that life.

M- Book pg. 329, students take turns speaking

E- Check for pronunciation as students read.

HW: Pg. 329


4th Grade

O-Continue with types of animals: domesticated, sea, and forest animals.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs.71-83.

E- Students should know twenty animals and say them to the class by memory,

drawing contest, spelling contest.

1st Grade Spanish

O-Continue with types of animals: domesticated, sea, and forest animals.

M-Building Spanish vocabulary book pgs.71-83.

E- Students should know ten animals and say them to the class by memory,

drawing contest, spelling contest.

Spanish III

O- Students will recall the countries and capitals of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean Spanish Islands.

M- Book pgs. 176-177

E- Have students Use the research information to make a travel brochure.

HW: Research their country and prepare project for display.

Spanish 1

O- Irregular ie verbs continued.

M- Book pg. 337, lecture, student examples.

E- Conjugating these verbs orally and writing them down with the correct pronouns.

HW: Pg. 337

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