Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

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Spring Sports Banquet 2011
Wednesday, 20 April 2011 18:05

SUNDAY, MAY 15, 2011
4:00 p.m.
Clear Lake Christian School Gym
Honoring Winter & Spring Sports Athletes
Click here for Pdf of Honored Athletes

Thank You from Coach Paxton
Friday, 16 April 2010 14:03

Dear Parents, fans, and supporters.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support of the Spring sports teams during the past season. We had good efforts from our athletes in all the sports. That is a credit to the players and to you, their parents, for your encouragement and support throughout the season.

Lofty goals require commitment, hard work and perseverance. We need and I will ask for more commitment of our players and parents for next season as we grow as a team and program. I strive to set the standards high and push our players to reach them. Your support is a big portion for that success to take place. The rest takes place in practice.

As we move forward, our future in Athletics is bright at CLCS. I ask you the parents to assist me in raising the commitment of your son / daughter and you the parent as well. The seasons vary, some are three and a half months long spanning over two holiday periods and spring break. Our team must stay in shape; continue skills improvement and workouts even over the holiday periods.

Our players can accomplish these goals this by utilizing time in the summer and off-season to improve him/herself, his/her game, his core body strength, skills, playing experience and personal commitment to having the best season possible next season.

Sports are skills. It requires work year round to really develop the necessary strength, conditioning, skills, mental toughness, strategies and knowledge of the game. To accomplish these goals I will ask our players and parents to do the following with your commitment:

1) Set a regular weight program schedule – three times a week to improve physical strength.

2) Set a regular schedule to work individual skills

3) Set a regular schedule to play pick up games

4) Work hard on “mental toughness development” – this is a “mind set” each player must develop through all of the above

5) Make a commitment to go to a Summer Camp – We offer camps at CLCS and many area colleges offer camps.

An investment of time over the summer will pay high dividends next year for CLCS Athletics. We move into TAPPS AA Division and will have a nine team district consisting of:

Clear Lake Christian
Pine Drive Christian
Sugar Land Logos Prep
Brazos port Christian
Shiner Saint Paul
Southwest Christian Academy
Victoria Faith Academy
Alvin Living Stones
Chinquapin School

The challenges will be new and the competition will formidable. To meet the challenge, we need the commitment of our players and parents as stated in this communication. The main focus of this letter is again to thank you for your son/daughter and your support for the past season. We look forward to the future with great anticipation and optimism.


Athletic Director

Last Updated on Monday, 03 May 2010 14:25
2010 Baseball Schedule
Friday, 05 March 2010 16:44

The 2010 Baseball Schedule is now online.

Click Here to Download now

Go Eagles!!!


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Clear Lake Christian School
14325 Crescent Landing Drive
Houston TX 77062
Phone: 281-488-4883
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