Clear Lake Christian School

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Marzullo - Social Studies

Welcome to Mrs. Marzullo's Class!

Secondary Social Studies - Marzullo
Thursday, 07 April 2011 12:03
Secondary Social Studies (Ms. Marzullo's classes) -
Economics - Current events tomorrow (as per standing rule of current events every Friday), April 8. We will begin Chapter 10 Monday, April 11, "Money And the Financial Market."
World History - Finish Chapter 14, "Pursuit of Power," tomorrow, April 8, have review/Jeopardy Monday, April 11, and test will be Tuesday, April 12.
World Geography - Finish presentations and begin Test review today, April 7, and we will complete review/Jeopardy tomorrow, April 8. Test on Chapter 20, " Southeast Asia," will be on Monday, April 11.
U.S. History - Continue lecture and discussion on Chapter 19. We will complete this chapter, "The Great War," tomorrow, April 8, with the possibility of beginning the test review. The test will be Tuesday, April 12.
Secondary Social Studies Homework
Tuesday, 11 January 2011 13:00
On Wed. 1/12/11, we will finish chapter 2 and review bold types regarding the circular flow and the government as an entity, on last few pages. Depending on time, we may/may not have review for test. If we have review, test 2 will be on Thursday. If no review on this day, review will be on Thursday, 1/13 and the test will be on Friday, 1/14/11. Please complete s/r and c/r for your benefit and to receive e.c.
World History:
Continue reading about the Crusades on pgs. 219-224. We will finish chapter 9 on Wed. and have review for test on Thursday with test 9 being held on Friday, 1/14. Please complete c/r, to be turned in with test on Friday. Do not forget to read the supplements in this chapter (as required in all previous chapters)!
World Geography:
Test 12 today, 1/11/11 and we will begin chapter 13 tomorrow. please read the first 2-3 pages tonight, so that we may have discussion tomorrow. Food feast representing North, Central, and South America will be held on Friday, 1/14 in Ms. Marzullo's classroom, 5th period. Make sure you sign up on the sheet being passed around in class this week, of what food you will bring to the feast. It can be any covered dish representing any of the countries found in North, Central, and South America. You may also sign up to bring drinks, cups, paper plates or vegetable platter.
U.S. History:
Review for Test 13 today, test will be Wednesday, 1/12/11. Thursday, we will begin the Civil War. Please read the first five pages Wed. night, so we may have productive discussion in class on Thursday.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 January 2011 13:16

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