Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

Home >> Band - Hernandez
Hernandez - Band

Jan. 24 Band lessson plans
Tuesday, 25 January 2011 22:29

Subject: Band

7th Period


O- New music, sight-reading, encourage students to enter talent show.

M- pass out new music and rehearse

E- Students should be able to sightread grade 1 music

HW: Number and put notes or fingerings on new music


O- Chapel music, rhythm sheets, G concert scale. Potomac festival Overture

M- Sight reading rhythm sheets.

E- Check for balance, tuning, and correct notes. .

HW: Continue Learning Chapel music and or Popeye melody for test on Friday.



O- Rehearse Fireworks music, G Concert scale and discuss the importance of scales with William Tell Overture. two octaves, Continue practicing Water music and listen to recording,

M- rhythm sheets, F around the room

E- Being able to play at least rhythms 1-10 while playing Bb scale, check for accuracy in coda in William Tell

HW: Work on William Tell coda.


O- Master parts in contest music and or Chapel music.

M- Listen to individual students play, reassign students,

E- Chair test on Popeye reassign students according to test grade.

HW: Continue having students writing melodies to strengthen note recognition.

Jan 18th lesson plans
Wednesday, 19 January 2011 06:26

Subject: Band

7th Period


MLK Holiday


O- Chapel music, rhythm sheets, G concert scale. Rehearse La Rejouiance, and William Tell Overture.

M- Sight reading rhythm sheets.

E- Check for tuning, and correct notes. .

HW: Continue Learning Chapel music and or Popeye melody for test on Friday.



O- G Concert scale and discuss the connection with William Tell Overture. two octaves, Continue practicing Water music and listen to recording,

M- Continue rhythm sheet with Bb scale.

E- Being able to play at least rhythms 1-6 while playing Bb scale, check for

accuracy in songs.


O- Being able to play Popeye music, master parts in contest music and or Chapel music.

M- Listen to individual students play, reassign students,

E- Chair test on Popeye reassign students according to test grade.

HW: Have students begin writing Popeye melody up or down a step to learn how to write music.


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