Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

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Sansing - Foundations of Personal Finance

Homework and Tests for week of 03/21 & 03/28
Tuesday, 15 March 2011 14:40
1. Monday 03/21 - Homework - Chapter 7 Vocabulary, due Friday 03/25.
2. Thursday 03/24 - Unit Exam 2, may bring 3x5 note card, filled out front and back, covers Chapters 4, 5, & 6.
3. Friday 03/25 - Homework - Chapter 7 Money in Review, due Monday 03/28. No late papers accepted.
4. Tuesday 03/29 - Test Chapter 7. Last day to accept late homework.
5. Tuesday 03/29 - Homework - Chapter 8 Vocabulary, due Friday 04/01 - No Joke!
6. Tuesday 03/29 - Homework - Chapter 8 Money in Review, due Monday 04/04. No late papers accepted.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 14:42
Homework and Tests for week of 02/28 & 03/07
Friday, 25 February 2011 12:58
1. Monday 02/28 - Chapter 4 Test
2. We will be skipping Chapter 5 videos and test, but you will be responsible for the information on the Unit 2 Exam.
3. Thursday 03/03 - Chapter 6 Definitions due
4. Friday 03/04 - Chapter 6 Money-in-Review due and Stock Ticker Worksheet
5. Monday 03/07 - Chapter 6 Test
6. Tuesday 03/08 - Unit 2 Exam, you may bring a 3x5 card front and back, handwritten, for the Exam. - Postponed until after Spring Break!
Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 March 2011 14:27
Homework and Tests for week of 02/14 & 02/21
Sunday, 13 February 2011 21:27
1. Monday, 02/14 - Unit 1 Exam, covering chapters 1-3. You may bring a handwritten 3x5 note card, with information on one side only.
2. Thursday, 02/17 - Chapter 4 Vocabulary definitions due. Please number your words, write the word and full definition to receive full credit.
3. Friday, 02/25 - Chapter 4 Money-in-Review due. Please turn in your answers on a separate sheet of paper for full credit
4. Monday, 02/28 - Chapter 4 Test, tentatively scheduled.
5. Tuesday, 03/01 - audio report due. Same format as last time.
6. Please continue to track on your mutual funds and stocks, to prepare for turning the paper in March 4th. No late papers will be accepted!!!
Last Updated on Sunday, 13 February 2011 21:38
Homework & Tests, week of 01/17 through 01/24
Sunday, 16 January 2011 18:40
1. Turn in 4 mutual funds selected and 2 stocks, with tickers - due Tuesday, Jan 18th
2. Chapter 2 vocabulary definitions - due Friday, Jan 21st.
3. Money-in-Review - due Tuesday, Jan 25th. Turn in on notebook paper, keep answers recorded in book.
4. Extra credit, Name That Investment, due Thursday, Jan 27th.
5. Chapter 2 EXAM - tentatively scheduled Thursday, Jan 27th.
6 Assign Chapter 3 vocabulary definitions - due Tuesday, Feb 1st.
Homework week of 01/10/2011
Tuesday, 11 January 2011 14:59

1. Live From Financial Peace Plaza essay on purchasing car - due Thursday
2. Money-in-Review, Chapter 1 - due Thursday
3. Impact of Daily Decisions, personal example - due Friday - 2 pts EXTRA CREDIT on Ch 1 test!

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