Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

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Peavy - Science

Anatomy and Physiology
Wednesday, 01 September 2010 20:47
Good Evening,
I believe it is time for a bit of Anatomy and Physiology news for all of you. In class these past 10 days students have become familiar with such topics as heirarachy of human life, terminology, anatomical planes and quadrants along with the dreaded positive and negative feedback systems. THEY ARE DOING GREAT!!!
We had a very challenging essay quiz this week which the students will be working on over the next few days. This essay, as well as all future essays, is very thought provoking. Students are learning to assimilate the information given to them into their own thoughts and conclusions. I intend to offer each and every student the opportunity to prepare themself for the demands of college education. Although there will be groans and moans, believe me when I say, it will be worth it.
The text book the students are learning from is a college level anatomy and physiology. We adopted this text from one that was being used by Baylor University at the time. Be proud guys, this is not an easy task.
I have scheduled a test over Unit 1 for Wednesday, September 8. Students have already been handed the essay questions for this test. I strongly urge they work on these by Tuesday the 7th.
Thank you so much for trusting me with your treasures. I will serve them well.
Because of Him I am,
Michelle Peavy
Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 September 2010 20:51

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