CLCS Dress Code Requirements: Download “Dress Code Requirements” from CLCS Handbook For details.
CLCS Bookstore - Embroidery School shirts must have embroidery emblem on polo shirt or oxford. The two ways for embroidery are to buy shirt from CLCS Book Store already embroidered or have it done yourself following CLCS guidlines.
Book Store - Purchases or Orders: Short sleeved polo shirts are in stock at the CLCS Book Store for $16.00. The colors are white, navy and royal blue. Youth sizes are small, medium, large, and extra large. Lady's sizes are small, medium, large, extra large, and 2X large. Man's sizes are small, medium, large, extra large, and 2X large. Orders will be made on shirts not in stock. Download CLCS Uniform Order Form for order form.
Items in Book Store:
Short sleeved polo shirts $16.00 PE Shirts $8.00 PE Shorts $12.00 (PE for 5th - 12th) Drawstring Bag $4.50 Backpack one strap $16.00 Suede backpack $18.00 Hoodies $20.00 Zippered Hoodies $20.00 some school supplies - prices vary
CLCS – Lost and Found Lost books will be given back to students if thier name is in it. Lost items labeled with students name will be given back to the owner. All other items will be in the CLCS Book Store until December or May when they will be sold at a reduced price.
Thank you all for your book donations as well as your support of our Clear Lake Christian School Library. We have had several hundred books donated since August! Our library is continuing to grow at an incredible rate.
We would like to purchase Accelerated Reading Tests for many of our new books. The tests are $3.00 each. Our students are excited about reading and earning points. Developing a love of reading is so important for our students. It expands their horizons, as well as increases their vocabulary. Good readers also excel in other areas. Your donations will provide a larger range of books from which the students may choose, and will give them an increased opportunity for selecting a book they will enjoy.
Last year, many of you donated money for magazine subscriptions to enable our students to have magazines to use for research as well as to read for pleasure while visiting the library. Now those subscriptions are beginning to expire.The following is a list of the magazines we are currently subscribing to as well as a few we would like to have.
1 Year
2 Years
National Geographic for Kids
Sports Illustrated for Kids
Dog World
Your Big Backyard
Ranger Rick
Popular Science
Boys Life
Kids Discover
Focus on the Family Clubhouse
Brio (Christian magazine for girls)
National Wildlife
Many of these magazines can be purchased through the marketplace for a Discount off of the retail price. Doing so, will donate 20% of your purchase to CLCS.
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