Clear Lake Christian School is dedicated to providing students with a quality Christian education. Since 1993, we have focused on teaching students the principles of Christian leadership, self-discipline, responsibility, integrity and good citizenship.
State of Texas Accreditation
International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA)
Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) International Christian Accrediting Association (ICAA) Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS)
School Year
The school year consists of two semesters divided into nine weeks each with seven periods meeting daily.
Student Body
High School 146 Middle School 71 Elementary 125 Pre-K 33 Student Ratio 13 to 1
Graduation Requirements
Advanced High School Program Elective 2 1/2 English 4 Foreign Language 2 Health 1/2 Mathematics 4 - 5 Speech 1/2 Physical Ed/Sports 1 1/2 Bible 4 Science 4 Social Studies 4 Computer 1 State of Texas minimum credits for graduation 24
Grading Scale
A 90 - 100 B 80 - 89 C 75 - 79 D 70 - 74 F below 70
Grade points are earned for courses taken in grades 9 -12. These points are used to determine the grade point average (GPA), which is the basis for determining class rank. Grade points are awarded only for satisfactory completed courses taken during the regular school term.
Dual Credit
Students in the 11th -12th grade that meet school set standards are eligible to receive both high school and college credits for classes taken during the summer and during the academic school year.
Traditional High School Program
Advanced High School Program
Bible: 4 units English: 4 units Mathematics: 4 units Algebra 1 Geometry (Algebra 1) Algebra II (Algebra I, Geometry) Trig and Pre-Cal Science: 4 units Integrated Physics and Chemistry Biology Chemistry (Biology I, Algebra I) Physics (Chemistry I, Algebra II) Social Studies: 4 units World Geography World History United States History U. S. Government 1/2 unit Economics 1/2 unit Computer Technology: 1 unit Speech: 1/2 unit Health: 1/2 unit Physical Education/Sports: 1 1/2 units Electives: 3 1/2 units
Bible: 4 units English: 4 units Mathematics: 4 - 5 units Algebra I Geometry (Algebra I) Algebra H (Algebra I, Geometry) Advanced Math - Trig. and Pre-cal (Algebra II) Calculus (Advanced Math) Science: 4 units Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) Biology Chemistry (Biology I, Algebra I) Physics (Chemistry I, Algebra II) Honors Science - determined yearly Social Studies: 4 units World Geography World History United States History U. S. Government: 1/2 unit Economics: 1/2 unit Computer Technology: 1 unit Speech: 34 unit Health: 1/2 unit Physical Education/Sports: 1 1/2 units Foreign Language: 2 units Electives: 2 1/2 units
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