Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

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Home >> Activities >> Fundraisers >> Scrip Cards
Scrip Cards
Wednesday, 29 October 2008 18:42

We want to thank those parents who have supported the Scrip program this year, and we hope many more of you will join us in fundraising while you shop! This year we have decided on several projects that we hope to accomplish with Scrip earnings. Our first goal is to put new mulch in the playground. This will cost about $1200. Remember that when you buy your Scrip cards for their face value, the school earns a percentage of that cost from the Scrip company. So help us make the playground safer and more beautiful.

There are a couple of additional businesses being offered for Scrip cards that are not on the order form - Jiffy Lube and the Home Shopping Network. These businesses can be written in on your order form.

Orders can be turned in to the office any day or ordered online ( use 9CCL82948372) any day; but orders are only placed on Monday morning and usually arrive in the school ofifce by Wednesday afternoon.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 October 2008 18:43
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Clear Lake Christian School
14325 Crescent Landing Drive
Houston TX 77062
Phone: 281-488-4883
Fax: 281-480-3287
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