CLCS has something for every student interest, from Fine Arts, Drama and Music Departments to an Athletic Department directed by former NFL Player, Coach Robert Smith. We offer a College Preparatory Track, which includes dual credit classes that count for both high school and college credit. CLCS has an Advanced ED accreditation. We do not require entrance exams for English skills to be accepted. 100 percent of our students graduate, with a graduation-to-university ratio of 97.5 percent. CLCS graduates have gone on to study at the University of Oxford, Harvard University, Georgetown University, Penn State University, and more than fifty other major Universities.

New to Clear Lake Christian School is the Gifted and Talented Program. This program targets students K-12 who perform at an exceptionally high level academically, intellectually, creatively, artistically, or in leadership ability. Please visit the “Gifted And Talented” page for more information.

Also new to our school is the Unique Learners Program. This program specializes in supporting students whose learning style requires a unique and creative environment to assist in their overall education. This includes students with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, High Functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorders (Autism, Aspergers, PDD), Cerebral Palsy, General Learning Disabilities, and “Late Bloomers”. Please visit the “Unique Learners” page for more information.