Pastor Steve Riggle
Rev. Bruce Guillot
Dr. Charles Bearinger
Academic Dean
Vice Principal
Robert E. Smith
Athletic Director
Head Football Coach
Valerie Marzullo
Assistant Principal
Julie Scroggins
Assistant Principal


Our mission is to develop our students into responsible, productive leaders of society by providing high quality spiritual, social and academic opportunities. Here at CLCS, faith and knowledge do not compete, but rather support one another. Through chapel, Scripture memorization, classroom prayer, Biblical courses, and in-depth discussions, we strive to integrate faith and knowledge while keeping Christ as the focus of learning.



Clear Lake Christian School is a private Christian school, located in Pineloch, an established residential neighborhood on the edge of Clear Lake City, Texas. It is easily accessible from all directions. The school consists of one large building facility, with 106,000 useable square feet surrounded by out-side athletic facilities. The school is currently under the direction of School Superintendent and Head Master Reverend Bruce M. Guillot. In 1993, Grace Community Church, under the direction of Pastor Steve Riggle, established Grace Christian School. In 2004, Grace Community Church moved to its new location on the Gulf Freeway. At that time, the School changed its name to Clear Lake Christian School. Founder of CLCS, Pastor Steve Riggle, remains Chairman of the Executive Board of Education, and the church continues to assist and support the school in a multitude of ways.

Although the school has gone through name and organizational changes, the original plan for the school has not changed. From its inception, the educational philosophy of Clear Lake Christian School is that God has lovingly planned all of creation with an eternal purpose. God is the center of life and has revealed Himself through His written word, His loving Word and His creation. This lifelong process of education is the progressive realization of each person’s unique God-given physical, social, spiritual and mental potential. Through Godly administration and Godly teachers led by the Holy Spirit, Clear Lake Christian School has provided an accelerated, college prep program for all grades that leads to academic excellence. Most importantly, the philosophy and the objectives of the original committee under the leadership of Pastor Steve Riggle remains the center focal point of the school. That focal point ordained and confirmed by God is to develop Christian individuals who are responsible, productive members of our society. Clear Lake Christian School is providing quality academic, social, spiritual, athletic and physical fitness opportunities by teaching, guiding, training and inspiring today’s youth into the active pursuit of Biblical wisdom.



Clear Lake Christian School maintains the fundamental teaching of God’s Word. We believe in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy spirit, deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and His virgin birth, the forgiveness of sin only by the blood of Jesus, salvation by grace through faith, divine healing, infilling of the Holy Spirit, return of Jesus, and fellowshipping with all denominations of the Christian faith.

The educational philosophy of Clear Lake Christian School is that God lovingly planned all of creation with an eternal purpose. God is the center of life. He has revealed Himself through His written Word, His Living Word and His creation. He is the author of all things and desires to be intimately involved with His creation. God created man in His image, unique and valuable. However, because of one man’s sin, all of mankind is separated from fellowship with God. Only through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, is the restoration of intimacy with God made available. The Holy Spirit works to convict man of his sin and reveals to man his need to receive salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit then guides, teaches and comforts the redeemed man through His indwelling.

The lifelong process of education is the progressive realization of each person’s unique God-given physical, social, spiritual and mental potential. Through godly teachers, led by the Holy Spirit, Biblical truths become the framework for all knowledge. By learning to filter all knowledge and experience through the Word of God, the student becomes able to determine God’s truth and develop wisdom. The student is led to discover God’s presence in all aspects of life and to realize a personal role in God’s plan. The student then is equipped to be used by the Holy Spirit to effect positive change in the world. God has commanded parents to teach their children to love God and honor Him in all they do. The Christian school becomes a partner with the parents in accomplishing this goal.