Clear Lake Christian School

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22 6

Home >> Activities >> Fundraisers
This is where we will place information concerning our fundraising activities.

Scrip Card Projects Update
Wednesday, 25 February 2009 11:59

CLCS would like to thank all the families and businesses that have helped us reach the goals of our first two Scrip projects!

A special thanks goes out to the Thorntons for their generous donation for the mulch,along with the families who ordered Scrip cards. A special thank you also goes out to the Powell family for their generous donation for new band instruments. What a blessing these families have been to our school! The mulch looks great on the playground and provides a safer environment for our students; and the new instruments have been ordered for the band.

The next project will be to purchase a defibrillator for our school. The nurse has made this request, and we believe it would be a great machine for our nurse and athletic department to have available. If we are able to raise the funds this year, the nurse will take the necessary training for using this equipment, and the goal would be to train the coaches also. The cost of this project will be approximately $1,600.

Order your Scrip cards any Monday and help us reach this goal. Remember there are cards available for almost all the grocery stores and gas stations you use on a weekly basis, as well as restaurants and department stores where you regularly eat and shop.

CLCS Biggest Loser Club
Tuesday, 13 January 2009 16:11

New Year
New You!!


Join The Clear Lake Christian School's Biggest Loser Club


January 23rd – May 22nd

WHEN: Every Friday weigh-in

WHERE: Nurse Linda’s Office

TIME: During School Hours 8:30-3:30

COST: $1.00 per week



and Half of Money Collected!!!

Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 January 2009 16:53
Copy Paper Needed
Wednesday, 19 November 2008 11:59

Please consider picking up a ream of copy paper for our office supply. Although copy paper is listed on each grade's school supply list, not all students turn it in. We are badly in need of 8.5 x 11" white copy paper. We greatly appreciate the families who give when the need arises. Thank you in advance for helping and supporting your school!



Scrip Cards
Wednesday, 29 October 2008 18:42

We want to thank those parents who have supported the Scrip program this year, and we hope many more of you will join us in fundraising while you shop! This year we have decided on several projects that we hope to accomplish with Scrip earnings. Our first goal is to put new mulch in the playground. This will cost about $1200. Remember that when you buy your Scrip cards for their face value, the school earns a percentage of that cost from the Scrip company. So help us make the playground safer and more beautiful.

There are a couple of additional businesses being offered for Scrip cards that are not on the order form - Jiffy Lube and the Home Shopping Network. These businesses can be written in on your order form.

Orders can be turned in to the office any day or ordered online ( use 9CCL82948372) any day; but orders are only placed on Monday morning and usually arrive in the school ofifce by Wednesday afternoon.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 29 October 2008 18:43
Dollar Denim Days
Tuesday, 14 October 2008 18:42

Every Friday students are allowed to wear blue jeans if they pay $1.00. This is a completely voluntary fundraiser. Dollar Denim Days will benefit four main programs: Teacher's Wish List, PTO Activities (Career Day, Family Fun Night, Accelerated Reading Program), Science Lab, and Computer/Math Lab.

Money is collected in the classroom. Please send exact change. If a student forgets their money, they receive an IOU. If the IOU is not repaid by the next Friday, that student may not wear jeans until it is paid.

Students have the option of wearing a CLCS uniform shirt or the CLCS Universal T-Shirt. NO other school T-Shirts are allowed this year. The dress code for "special events must be followed.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 October 2008 18:42

Clear Lake Christian School
14325 Crescent Landing Drive
Houston TX 77062
Phone: 281-488-4883
Fax: 281-480-3287
Email     Click for Map

CLCS Calendar

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Painless Giving

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