Clear Lake Christian School
Sports Camp Player Registration/Waiver Form

All Fields Required!

Camp Choice:  

Child's Last Name

  First Name:

Your Email Address

Parent/Guardian Name  
Home Address  
City, St, Zip  

Home Phone:

  Cell Phone:
Emergency Phone:
Emergency Contact Name:   Relationship:
Student Information:  
Position(s) Played:  
DOB: Age:
Height: Weight:    Grade:
School Attending:  
T-Shirt Size  

The undersigned, _________________________________________, for himself and hisfamily, hereby forever discharge; and releases Clear Lake Christian School, Houston All Pro Football Camp Directors and all Instructors who participate in the Camp from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, cost expenses, damages, actions, or causes of action that the undersigned may incur or acquire during the course of his participation in, involvement with, or attendance at the football camp/workout conducted by the: Houston  All Pro Football Camp staff and all authorized personnel on July 8-10, 2010 at Clear Lake Christian School Facilities.
This “Waiver and Release” is given for and in consideration of the opportunity to participate in this Football Camp at CLCS for other goods and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. The undersigned acknowledges that he is executing this “Waiver and Release” with the understanding that in no way is the camp meant for any other purpose other than for fun and enjoyment.
The undersigned warrants that he suffers from no minor or serious physical injury; illness or disability that would make him especially susceptible to injury or disability in performing any activity contemplated by this “Waiver and Release”. The undersigned also warrants that he is physically able to fully participate in the aforementioned football camp and that he is fully comprehends and accept all of the risks associated with such participation.

After submission you will be presented with a form to print, sign
and return with payment. Your child will not be enrolled until
payment is received.